Thursday, August 13, 2009


4 1/2 months old!

These were taken at Sears and yes we bought the disk with the rights!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This is Robert and Kensley.
This is Me, Emily (The Big Sister), and Kole

From Saturday - Time is off!

Yesterday I went to the hospital around 2:00. My contractions were about 8-10 minutes apart. By the time I got hooked up and they were about 3 minutes apart. They checked me and I was a two and they could not feel Baby A's head - so they knew that the C-Section would be required.Anyway my Dr called and said that the babies would arrive in less than 2 hours! So at 4:40 & 4:42 -Kole - weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces and was 17 inches and doing fabulous!Kensley - weighed 4 pounds 6 ounces and was 16 inches - she is in the NICU.She had a huge knot in her cord and she had way too much fluid. Poor Kole was cramped!She is breathing too quickly so she is under a little tent with some oxygen and an IV.She basically quit growing shortly after our last US - 3 weeks ago.I have not gotten to go to the NICU, yet but should get to in about 30 minutes.Kole is nursing like a CHAMP! And I am pumping for Kensley!They look great!They were glad that they decided to make an early arrival due to Kensley's little issues!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Not so made plans...

Okay so I have been joking and telling people that I would be having the babies today! Even going as far as to say that I should have to go to the hospital around 10.

Well I am not sure....I don't feel good - you know - morning sickness - FROM THE DEAD OF SLEEP - at 35 weeks makes you feel awful!!!

35 weeks - did you read! I made it to 35 weeks! Both of the babies should be close to 5 1/2 pounds.

Coolest thing - after vomiting, of course, - is that both of the babies had the hiccups this morning at the same time! Of course they were alternating! It was really neat!

I know when we were in the hospital they both had them and it was neat listening to them on the monitors!

Emily has Brownie Camp today and is really excited about going!

Robert and I are going to the twin garage sale this morning!


Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am ready!!! The last things are done! I put the head rests in the carriers!

I think I lost some of my mucous plug yesterday - so I am hoping that we are moving towards progress!!!

The Twin Garage Sale is this weekend and I will not be missing it.

I am not sure what I need, but I am going! I will officially be 35 weeks!

I am having lots of non-painful contractions - even with my meds!

I am ready for them to be born!

Come on Kole!!! Come on Kenlsey!!!
This weekend -
Emily was upset with us - she has an on-going project that will be completed April 9. It is a Living Museum. She is going to be playing the part of Eleanor Roosevelt. She has to write a speech and then have it memorized. We made her start it when I got home from the hospital on Saturday. On Sunday afternoon we continued. On Sunday night, I wanted her to copy the completed speech that I had typed out for her after we worked together to create it. She was livid - because it was not due until Wednesday. I explained that I wanted her to be prepared, just in case the babies happen or I was not feeling well. She yelled and screamed - she even said that she hated having teachers as parents!

Whoa! Anyway she turned it in and was so proud because her teacher said it was awesome and she was the only one who had turned it in early.

She apoligized for saying mean things!

BTW - Have I mentioned that I am ready for these babies to arrive!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday - 34 weeks 2 days

Dr followup!

Other than gaining 10 pounds of water weight since Friday! My poor toes look like Vienna Sausages with paint on them and my fingers are so sore. Also - I thought I had a rash on my left side, so I showed it to the nurse - she said, "No that is just where your skin is tearing from the stretching and laying down!

Cervix is great is so far up there - I should not go into labor any time soon!

No delivery talk!

I have to wait for my MFM (Specialist) Followup next Monday.

I will have a ultrasound and see just how big Kole and Kensley are! They should be about 5 1/2 pounds each!

My "Big Sis" from the Twin Club came over and chatted while I lounged! Her little girls are the cutest - wow - How I have realized that my home is not child proofed!


Friday 33 weeks 6 days

I was at home on bed rest while Robert was boiling shrimp, potatoes, corn, and sausage for the March Madness games. I was feeling really crummy.

Then my Dr's office called to confirm my appt on Monday. I let them know how I was feeling - they were going to have a nurse call me. About then they called back and I explained my symptoms. They said to come in right away.

Okay well I go in and Dr Vandale says my cervix is good but they are having difficulty keeping Baby B's heartrate on the monitor.They tell me to go to the hospital for monitoring.So my cramps continue, but not contractions.I get there and all the beds are full - finally they make room for me and get me hooked up and right before they are going to let me leave the contractions began.

Wow they were bad! They got to be 3 minutes apart and they gave me a shot of the terbuterline. Then the contractions go to every 2 minutes. They come in and warn me that the babies will be born today - that the contactions are not stopping.I went into COMPLETE PANIC MODE!!! I kept telling them that they could not come because I was only 33w6d. They would not let me eat and and I was hurting.

Robert finally got there (because we had like 10 people over for a Shirmp Boil for March Maddness). I did not care because all I was doing was laying on the couch!We signed all of the paperwork and they were discussing issues that 33 weekers can have.Then they gave me pain meds and the contractions slowed down. I sent my hubby home and then took more pain meds and ambien.

The contractions came to a dead halt!The babies look good and my cervix looks good! I am now taking Procardia 20 mg every 6 hours. I am soooo worn out! I am going to eat left over shrimp, corn, potatoes, and sausage! I am greatful to be home.Oh - I also have some swelling, had +1 protein in my urine, my bp was a little higher, and I gained 5 pounds in 4 days!We are temporarily scheduling the C-section for 4/4 - I will be 36 weeks!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Still on bedrest!

I am really getting tired of being stuck at home!!! I made a quick excursion to Wal-Mart and rode in the cart. I know that I looked so cool while riding around.

The babies are really stretching my stomach out. My poor maternity shirts are getting shorter and I know that it is not related to the dryer.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Better days...

I did not have many contractions today...I have an appointment in the morning, so we will see if the contractions have been doing any thing down there.

I think that I had 2 all day. I took some belly pictures - including a bare belly shot - wowsers!!!! I am huge! I have only gained like 8 pounds, but my belly is huge!!

I am going to open a Facebook account this week - and I think that I am going to try to shave my legs again.

See all of the MAJOR priorities that I have set up for the week!

Emily sold Girl Scout cookies today in Friendswood. A friend took her for me, since I am still on bed rest!!! My goodness it just seems to drag and drag. Robert had a good day. He graduated from SFA and today the basketball team played for the chance to be in the March Madness. I put my pride and my "tired of being alone" feelings and told him that he should really go- because he would regret if he missed them winning. Well they won!! They will be playing Syracuse! This really does not mean much to me, but he is thrilled!

Robert is painting Emily's room. Before I was on bedrest we picked out paint for the babies' room and at the same time we got paint for Emily's room. It looks really cool - it is hot pink and purple!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Okay so they have begun to pick up and then they magically go away! They are not any fun!! I am really a WHINER!!! I make all kinds of moaning and groaning sounds.

I think that it kinda freaks Emily out at times - she just stops what she is doing and stares at me.


Friday, March 13, 2009

5 weeks down

Today I have finished my 5th week of bed rest!!

This is torture to someone who loves to GO...GO...GO!!!

I know that 2 healthy babies will be worth it - but I am ready to get back to life!

I would LOVE to go back to work!!!